Have a story to tell? Get involved!
We are interested in your stories, your struggles and all the unseen conflicts you have been through. Let's start a conversation on the conflicts that go unseen and unheard. Get involved with us.
Formatting Guidelines
Times New Roman, Size 12
Single spaced, Justified aligned
Minimum 800-1500 words
Derogatory language will not be entertained
All stories to be sent in Word documents/Google Docs
Content Guidelines
We want to hear your stories in your own words!
If you want your identity to be confidential, we will publish them under ‘unsigned’. We want you to feel comfortable sharing your experiences!
If you are comfortable sharing your name, we would love to publish the piece with your picture as well! It is highly recommended to email us your picture along with your piece
Remuneration of any kind is not offered
The final decision to publish lies with the editorial team
Special Mention!
If you belong to any of these communities :
Communities affected by armed conflicts
Belong to the specially-abled community
Women’s rights activists
Disability rights activist
Working in the social sector
We strongly encourage you to submit your stories!